Class Action Compensation Over A Sex Toy? We-Vibe Settles In Court
Believe it or not, your sex toy is now capable of connecting to the Internet. These sex toys are meant to be used by couples, wherein the other partner can be in total control of the vibrator by using Bluetooth or a smartphone application. However, security researchers found out that the company is using the smartphone app to collect data regarding how their customers use the sex toys. These include the vibrator’s setting, the e-mail address of the customer and how frequent the toy is being used. Because of this, the company faced a class action compensation lawsuit from its customers.
Class Action Compensation Over A Sex Toy? We-Vibe Settles In Court
There are endless varieties of people who use sex toys. This is why adult products, such as sex toys, are very in demand right now. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the maker of We-Vibe, the sex toy in question, collects the information for product improvement and diagnostic However, the lawsuit claims that the company intercepts and track the electronic communication between the app and the vibrator, and then transmit the gathered data to the company’s servers in Canada.
Just last month, Standard Innovation, We-Vibe’s manufacturer, agreed to settle for $3.75 million. According to the deal, the company will pay the Americans who purchased the sex toy before September 26, 2016. Product users will get up to $199 in settlement, while those who use the sex toy via the smartphone app are expected to receive as much as $10,000. That said, CTV News reported that these numbers may be lower than the actual settlement claim.
According to the plaintiff’s lawyer, around 300,000 purchased the Bluetooth capable sex toy, while at least 100,000 downloaded the mobile app. Based on the lawyer’s estimate, those who used the smartphone app will only get $500 each, while those who did not will only be awarded with $40. The settlement will also compel the company to cease monitoring and collecting the user’s information, and destroy the gathered data.
The class action compensation also sheds some light about the secret data collection practice of some companies. As per the claim, what Standard Innovation did was extremely offensive since the collected information about the product users’ sexual activity is confidential. This revelation caused anxiety and humiliation, the plaintiff’s lawyer added.