Sexual Assault and Rape Compensation Lawyers

Sexual Assault and Rape Compensation Lawyers

We live in a new world where sexual assault is no longer, merely, suffered in silence, but has become a deafening roar. Women, and some men, who claim to be sexually assaulted are reporting these crimes in ever increasing numbers, right around the western world. In the United States, especially at its many colleges and universities, sexual assault and the judicial system are coming under attack from both sides. One in five women and one in twenty men have been victims of sexual abuse through non-consensual sex, according to research conducted by the Association of American Universities. In Australia, serious numbers of sexual abuse claims are also occurring at our universities.

In the US women are claiming to have been sexually assaulted in substantial numbers and the universities’ responses are being challenged by male students, who have been punished by the institutions but are claiming their innocence. Former students who were expelled after being found guilty of sexual abuse by the university are now suing these institutions for wrongful disciplinary findings and damages to reputation and future earnings. In the US, which is the home of the compensation industry at large, lawyers are hard at work making the lives of university vice-chancellors a misery. Colleges are being accused of being too quick to condemn accused students so that they appear to be tough on sexual abuse on campus. Investigations have been found to be cursory rather than exhaustive, which can lead to these expensive compensatory consequences later on. Sexual assault and rape compensation lawyers are spoiling the politically correct party for these American colleges and universities.

Looking at this from a sociological perspective, you have large numbers of young and sexually active people all in close proximity to each other. You most likely also have alcohol and drug use contributing to a fuelled atmosphere. In addition, you have a climate of complaint and legal redress in the United States unparalleled at any other time in history. Together this is a recipe for a social bomb ready to go off at campuses around America and probably right around the western world. There is no denying that there are victims of sexual abuse and the abusers should by rights be punished, but the seriousness of the charge of rape deserves lengthy investigation, which universities are not really set up to perform. The justice department may need to create a preliminary investigative body to properly examine these charges before they go to full trial. Students would be suspended from studies pending the outcome of these investigations by a proper judicial authority.